Adventure Awaits Us All



The first flight I remember was when I was seven years old. We were heading back to Bermuda, my first home. I will never forget seeing the world below me get smaller and smaller until we were above the clouds, and all you could see for forever were mountains of white, gray & purple. I used to dream about what it would feel like to be out among them, bouncing around, floating, having my own kingdom in the clouds. Turns out my imagination is the only place where I can actually do that....

The next trip I would take (I was eleven) would be again, to Bermuda. This time I was alone, meeting my Dad over there. It was the only trip we would take (alone) together, and I hold those memories near and dear.   Whenever I smell gas (petrol) I think of my Dad, either on the back of a moped leaning in, or snugged up tight on the back of the ski-doo out in the wild snowy fields of Prince Edward County. 

Travel and Adventure started at an early age, perhaps already in my soul from the start, but thankfully, my parents gave me many an opportunity to do so,  I still Love exploring various parts of the world. The people you meet, the places you see, the scents, the sounds... It really is an incredible feeling; sometimes stupendous, sometimes humbling but always life changing.



As a touring musician, I have been given the opportunity to play in and feel the vibe of some pretty marvelous spots. Being able to get to far off places with guitar in hand, is awesome and (I must say) pretty addictive. There's something about the connected-ness of it all, meeting folks with similar mindsets, soul wishes and more. That "Hunt for life, for life" I have spoken of before just keeps on playing....

There are people who would rather stay home. I too am one of them at times, there is a time for everything, but for the folks out there who wish upon a star to go somewhere different, to see something, to feel something new, I encourage it TEN FOLD. There are many ways to do it if money is the largest worry. I am lucky because I have music to pave the way, so I know with that skill, it makes things a little easier, but the world is so much bigger (AND SMALLER) than I ever thought. People will always help you along the way, from a bite to eat to a hostel/camp-ground recommendation, to a smile, you will never be alone and such connected-ness helps to dwindle fear.



You just never know what kind of magic awaits or what kind of food or what kind of splendid architecture! Visions of wonder and beauty imprinted on your minds eye forever...



The friends you can make! I asked my Grandfather, nearing the end of his 95years, what he thought the most important thing was, his gift of advice to me... He said you can never have too many friends. He and his wife (of nearly 65years) traveled across the world from Quebec to New Zealand when they were in their eighties. Amazing. And so far he has been right. There are many guest rooms, couches and back yards that we are privvy to, just because we went out there in search of travel adventure. Every person I have ever met started out as a stranger, so there's that....



One day, I too would like to get down to New Zealand and Australia. I suppose one has to reach far and wide to get where they need to go. In the meantime, home is also a valuable place to be and a much needed sanctuary. However that search to find out about other people's lives, taste food from the soils of far away, dream up and off into clouds above new scenery, laugh together under a different set of stars, sitting round a campfire smelling of peat, or the view from a mountain village or the scenery of an old seaside town... Ahhhh so very fulfilling and wondrous indeed! The things I don't know that I yearn to know, through travel....



Home is where the heart is.

Ten Easy Kitchen/Food Hacks



For many years, the only thing I could cook was breakfast. I could make an excellent wrap and the odd time I would try really hard to replicate my grandmothers chili and/or spaghetti sauce. Pretty much, that was it. I never even brewed my own coffee. I worked as a server most days, so I could count on something delicious at least ONCE a day. I told myself that I would cook when it was for more than just myself and that perhaps if I ever found my one true Love, I would then start fixing up dishes. Therein lies a BIG problem, I mean WHAT is the problem for cooking for one? Upon looking back, I KNOW it was pure laziness and that, I too, was caught up in the fast food world.



I know, sometimes you don't have the time to prepare a meal and/or the inspiration to do so. I totally get it. When that is the case, I usually pull out a pre-made pizza with only cheese and tomato sauce on it, then I add whatever toppings I have. You would be surprised at what one can find to decorate a pizza with; any left-overs will do! My favourite adds are olives, artichoke hearts, onion slices, tomato slices, mushrooms and MORE cheese (to your taste of course but it is SURE to be delicious, it's pizza after all.) A super easy meal, and not quite fast food but almost. I try to have a pizza "shell" in my freezer just in case! Making your own dough is always a fun experiment. Mine never comes out quite as good as anybody else's but I will keep trying....

So fast forward through the years, and I finally met someone worthy of my cooking skills! Hahaa... Actually, I surprise myself with how good some of the stuff is that I create... I must have been learning through Osmosis all those years standing beside the chefs I worked with, asking them of their secrets (on the slow days!)  But now (when I am not feeling lazy or uninspired) I Love to cook! My husband LOVES to eat and is always complimentary on what I place in front of him. Except for potatoes. For some darn reason, I can't cook them to perfection, EVER! Never! I swear, they are always too hard, even when I think to leave them in longer, they never work out.  Alas, one day, I am sure to make them right!

Okay, so here I will list my top ten favourite things to have in the kitchen!

1) A pre-made frozen (or thawed) pizza crust with cheese & tomato sauce. (details explained earlier!)

2) Sharp knives. There is no bigger pain in the butt then trying to slice food (onions & tomatoes come to mind) with a dull knife. Thankfully my babe has sharpening tools and if I ask nicely, he will get to it! Click here to see a really easy way on HOW TO SHARPEN YOUR KNIVES!

3) Lemons! (Limes will do too.) I LOVE my lemons. They add SO much to SO many different things. Salad dressings, Sauces, Smoked Salmon (or fish of any kind!) I also start my day off with squeezing the juice from half a lemon into a large glass of room temperature water, it's a great thing to sip on after a strong cup of coffee! The health benefits of adding lemon into your diet (daily!) are really amazing. Check it out here!! 

4) Sea Salt ... Salt adds flavour to your food. It brings out the flavour. Seasoned food is the only way. Some chefs will say "let them add salt to their food if they want it" but I rather like it when the food I prepare is delicious as is, not bland. Unsalted food is bland. Email me with complaints if you must! I can take it!

5) Whole pepper... My husband could twist a tonne all over his food. He adores the spice it brings. I don't need it as much, but still a few twists over eggs, in salad dressings etc are definitely an asset. Notice I said WHOLE pepper as opposed to the powdery stuff. Buy a pepper mill, it's worth it!

6) A coffee pot. NOT the ones that pre-make coffee from pods. No way! Buy your own beans, pulverize them yourself and brew up some hot black gold! (some folks out there are tea drinkers, totally fine! I prefer coffee, to each their own) A pod coffee machine will never produce the same rich delicious and FRESH coffee as a Moka Pot or whatever you choose to use. We have an old fashioned hand-turning-wooden coffee mill. It has become a ritual for me, my morning coffee ritual... While we are at it, buy a favourite mug!! Support one of your local pottery makers (not CHINA!!) These will always come in handy. Thank you JOVIC POTTERY for our beautiful mugs!!

7) Cucumber. Okay, some of you may hate it! That is okay, but try to get it into you. See, cucumbers are rich in nutrients and vitamins. Most green things are, but cucumbers are SUPER easy to eat! Just grab one, wash it, slice it and eat it. You are getting goodness into your bodies and that is ALL THAT MATTERS!!! They are alkaline forming and in a world full of acidic food, this (as well as lemons) can balance you out a bit. 

8) Butter!!! Never margarine!! Ew! Margarine?? What is that stuff??  (I don't really have to go into detail about the PLUS SIDE of butter.) Butter makes Beautiful.

9) Coconut Oil... Oh my goodness this is simply the BEST thing ever. I can use it to cook with, I can use it to condition my hair AND skin with. I even make cream with coconut oil. I should have put this one way up at the top. Oh my goodness really I can not say enough about Coconut Oil.

10) Coconut Milk... this stuff turns sauces, soups and curries into small miracles. Do you always use cream for your soups?? Try a can of coconut milk. Do you always use yogurt for your smoothies? Try coconut milk. So delicious and SO FULL OF GREATNESS. Trust me, I promise!



A Flash of Light



Sometimes being a singer pays off! You never really know what you are going to go through before, during and after a performance. Sometimes there are nerves, fretting, worrying etc but most times it feels normal somehow and exciting. You never know. In this case, where I was gifted those flowers, I was singing outside at the Wakefield Market, and there was a down pour! People were huddled under umbrella's and tarps and the rain was a moving sheet between us. It wasn't until someone mentioned they saw sparks coming out of my amp that I decided to call it quits (until the heavy rains subsided.) It's true, I did feel small shocks when my lips touched my microphone! I stepped away, drank some coffee, ate a breakfast sandwich and then returned to the grassy stage. It has always been a favourite place to play. A gift of fresh flowers is always appreciated. Which reminds me of the first time I received flowers after a performance... I was eighteen years old and the lead singer in a musical called "Anything Goes." I remember my eight year old cousin stepping out of the audience and up to the stage to hand me roses... It never gets old, let me tell ya!!!



You know what else doesn't get old? Singing! I Love to sing. Singing has carried me through almost every kind of situation; good, bad and everything in between. Strangely though, I am extremely critical after a performance and have a hard time taking in all the Love... I wish it were different, I am still trying to figure out HOW to let go of the mistakes I make while I am on stage or the frustration of having a bad sound mix. I know there is no way to really hear what it sounds like outside of the stage, no way at all, so I should just be okay with that, but I always wonder! I find it almost impossible to watch a past performance and am mostly dissatisfied with it when I do see it. Darned ego. There are times though, when I am thrilled with and on cloud nine from a show. It doesn't happen all too often but it is in these moments where I gather up the courage and Love to keep going! Profound moments that show me the light and erase all self doubt. Thank goodness for these flashes of light! However, I doubt I could ever stop. The joy from writing a new song (when it's really good!)  is seldom found anywhere else. In my living room (studio) alone is actually where most of the magic happens. But I am here to share it, and I try my best. 



One of the best things about playing with other musicians is not having to be alone on stage, so when you screw up you can laugh at each other and share the Love. It's true! When you see two people laughing at each other on stage during a song, you can pretty much bet that a small mistake has been made. In this particular case however (above photo) I am pretty sure we are just having some silly fun. This is also another reason to play with other music makers... there is more joy for sure! Traveling with others can be expensive and the pay out from the gig is MOSTLY not worth it, sadly. This is why I tour mostly on my own, but if I could bring a few band mates, I most definitely would!!!



Sometimes along the way you come across real gems to play in. In this case (above photo) I found another listening room by the name of Black Sheep. To be sure when having the poster made for this particular show, it had to be stated that THIS show was not in Wakefield at our beloved Black Sheep Inn but rather in the streets of St. John's. Let it be said that there is NO better room than a listening room. A rowdy bar is no place for a singer and songwriter! (Took me long enough to figure THAT one out.) I guess after a few years of writing, recording and touring, little tidbits of wisdom STICK! Also, I highly recommend that if you are in this line of work, buy your own SURE 58 -universal- microphone. You would NOT believe how stinky some of those mics are out there... Not to mention the colds you get! Since I have been using my own mic, I have reduced sickness ten fold. Truth. You may look like a diva of sorts, but forget about it!



Whenever I get back home (wherever home is, I have a few, and am ever SO grateful!) People often say "How was your vacation?" Instead of "How did the tour go?" I find it funny that so many people think that when I travel, it is a vacation that I am on. It is very rare that I go somewhere without a gig booked (or a guitar.) It takes me months to get ready for atour, what with booking, rehearsing, promoting, practicing, and more. This a a real job for me, actually MANY jobs all in one. Yes, I have fun and the places I go to are most definitely seen as travel destinations but let it be known that my job actually never ends. There are songs to write, lyrics to perfect, emails to answer and more! I am forever grateful that I get to see so many spectacular spots and share my music with an amazing amount of Music Lovers! As awesome as it is, it's hard work and most of it I don't even get paid for. Thank goodness for those flashes of light!






Ode to Newfoundland



It was about eighteen years ago when I headed East for the first time. Me and my guitar playing friend decided to journey to Newfoundland in pure adventure style, packing his '81 Firebird to the brim with amps, guitars and whatever an early 20's version of myself needed; clothes, cd's books, hope, desire and a whole lot more! My knees were pressed against the dashboard the entire journey and it didn't hurt a bit! The night before we left for "The Rock" (as I would come to learn was Newfoundland's nick name) we saw the most spectacular display of the Northern Lights, dancing across an Ottawa sky... It was a sure fire sign for me, that destination East was indeed the right direction.



Fast forward all these years (with numerous visits of course!) and traipsing through the streets of St. John's never felt so good! All of it's history (the OLDEST city in North America!) and all of those memories (I bought my first guitar here, and fell in LOVE with Irish/Newfoundland Trad. music among many other things) What a privilege to get back to Newfoundland & Labrador (a home away from home) to play some gigs, to spend some quality time with friends, family and the MUSIC...I am ever so grateful that I was given the opportunity all those years ago, living in St. John's, developing a great Love that continues to grow... Here are a few shots from the past few weeks....



The views around St. John's are in constant change; due to wind, clouds, sky and all these fabulous salt-box houses in their colourful splendour. Every street has something new to offer but mostly HILLS!! I definitely grew some some "St. John's Legs." The hills are also a pretty great way to remove a hang-over!



Family, friends and music. The THREE most important things to me. All of which are not lacking over there on that Island off the East Coast of Canada, standing strong in the Atlantic Ocean. There were just SO many people to see and music to hear... I don't know which photos to share! Here's one of my FAVES taken on the Folk Festival grounds, where I was lucky enough to run into some Wakefield friends... Small (and Lovely) world indeed!



Music is alive and well and there are too many shows/performances to choose from, I most certainly could not be everywhere, but I tried!!!







Playing my first show on Water street at The Black Sheep (with Sean Panting no less!) was a stellar night and a great introduction to my favourite Canadian city. It was so great to see so many Loved and familiar faces out there smiling in the audience... I am ever so thankful! I don't actually have a shot of me from that night, but here is one of me on my last night, singing at the Legendary Ship as part of Folk Night. It was a Lovely send off, if a little weighty with sadness.... Saying good bye ALWAYS sucks.



So I would like to say thank you to everyone out there who made my trip East so very memorable. I am so grateful for everything!! Hopefully I can get back to you sooner than later... I will leave you with one last photo (second last!) of the BEST Seafood Chowder I have ever tasted, featuring the likes of Salmon, Scallops. Lobster, Cod, Cream and more! Thanks to my Uncle Jamie (of Nova Scotia) and his beautiful lady friend, Deb, for ensuring that my last night in Nova Scotia was also a great success.... 



