
It's all about the Music.

Been awhile huh? Sorry, computer has been down...  Alas laptop is still dead, cell phone broke in two and my digi cam fell outta my hands one too many times. Is the world trying to tell me something? Slow down in the metal department perhaps? In the meantime I have been playing new music all the time and falling in Love with this new music. If you haven't yet heard of Jadea Kelly, RUSH out and find her CD "Second Spring" Vocally I may compare her to The Sundays or Camera Obscura... I am also enjoying some other newbies on my radar... Trevor Alguire, Rich Burnett and well, have I even mentioned Fever Ray or Bat For Lashes? Gosh, this world is SO full of greatness... I can't even begin to start.  Last night I played a sold out show with YOAV... he is quite the guitarically looping genius. What a guy.  Last weekend, another packed house with the likes of newly formed family band called Phelgm, maybe not the nicest name, but HECK can they play. It makes me wonder what it would have been like to grow up in a musical "jam in the kitchen" type family.. such fun, I'm sure! In the meantime, I have been trying out my newest song "Give, Take" to some happy-liking it people.. seems to be going over quite well!! Yay! With hopes I will be playing it for YOU soon. I'm also writing with another electronical genius from Ireland... Skully! or the musical half of Metisse. Imagine, writing and recording having never met!! Oh, the pure brilliance of the magical inter-web! In the meantime, if you are in the Toronto area next weekend, I will be playing the opening set for The Daniel Sky Band at Not My Dog on the 26th and again at Graffitti's in Kensington Market as part of "Songwriter's Unite" series on the 28th. This weekend will see me volunteering at the Canadian Folk Music Awards... perhaps one day I may win one? You never know what the future will bring, but MUSIC, any kind, had better be there. xo

Vote For Lindsay on The Bear!

wlindsay-ferguson-black-sheep-cd-release.jpgThe Bear (Ottawa Radio) has picked "8th Wonder" as one of the five finalists for The Radio Star National Songwriting Competition - Ottawa.That means my song is now posted on their website ( Scroll down to the bottom of the main page and you'll find the banner to click on to take you to voting/listening page. I believe the system is set to accept one vote per computer per day. Voting runs until 9 a.m. on Monday, January 21st. We will announce the winning songwriter in the 4 p.m. hour of the same day. BEAR listeners will also hear my song on air. Each song will be featured one day next week with a play in the 9 p.m. hour with Dylan Black and another play in the 11 p.m. hour on Local Licks. Scott Lear will feature a 40 second excerpt from the song during middays.

Here is the schedule for next week:

Monday, January 14 - 8th Wonder - Lindsay Ferguson Tuesday, January 15 - Find Me - Bluestone (Sandy Hunter) Wednesday, January 16 - String Of Pearls - Darius Doddridge and Rodney Doddridge Thursday, January 17 - Vagabond - Frank Beecher Friday, January 18 - When The Summer Ends - The Watters Brothers Rebellion

If I win this section of the contest it means I will go on to Toronto's Canadian Music Week in March with all the other finalists from other regions in Canada... I'm not sure how many other finalists there will be, but it would be nice to get there!!!

Here is a direct link to the voting page.

Thanks a lot for your support!!! Lindsay