
The world through the window of a train...

The last time I wrote anything of length, in true blog fashion was in the winter. It’s now Spring!! Yikes! Apologies, I know I should write, that there actually ARE people out there, reading these words, and might just be wondering where I’ve been. Well, I have been on Twitter, Reverbnation, Numubu and Facebook. Of course, making time for my very own website, now there’s an idea! Well, here I am doing exactly that. It seems I only ever have real time to think when I am actually unplugged, like on a train, rushing through tunnels adjusting the pressure in my ears. I always wanted to be able to do that, properly under water, so I could venture into the unknown with scuba gear, allowing me to breath in a completely new world…alas, my ears,  and in the end my mind, won’t let me cross that barrier… so snorkeling will just have to do! Back to the business at hand, I sit here on yet another train, watching the world speed by and there’ s a young red headed child wandering through the aisles, who obviously just learned how to walk and can’t possibly sit still. She is a real gem to watch and her rosy cheeks and sausage arms make it hard for me to look at this screen, alas, there are stories to tell! Life in Switzerland has been pretty wunderbar. Those picture books you see with the rolling hills, snow capped mountains, tree patched fields and funny shaped houses; they’re true. It’s THAT beautiful. We have sheep in the pasture where I live, and they wear bells around their necks… so there are always “wind chime” sounds floating through the air… it’s really pretty and not harsh at all, I will miss those bells when I head back, very soon, to Canada… my home and native. The fruit trees are in full bloom as well and the scents, at any given time can rush over you and make you swoon just like that first kiss.

It’s easy to write songs here. The air is fresh, the water clean and life out here in the country is slow enough that you can truly enjoy the ride and take it all in. I remind myself every day how fortunate I am to be here, working on new compositions as well as touring this Lovely country on occasion, much like today, in this train. I have a few last gigs here before I head home to Canada. I REALLY do miss Canada, though Switzerland is fast becoming a very close second. Did you know that it closes for lunch here? That at lunch time, after work and on Sunday’s you can’t make noise i.e mow the lawn, use a chainsaw, vacuum your car… etc… whatever has a loud noise… It’s not a law, I don’t think, but everyone sticks to it. Oh and I KNOW I’ve mentioned this before but the cheese, bread and chocolate is REALLY outta this world. I only wish I didn’t LOVE it all so much, my hips & bingo wings would be ever so thankful. Alas, this Love affair with food ain’t over yet!!  A few more weeks and I’ll be back to Canadian chocolate & cheese, which isn’t so tempting J

So here is a special up and coming gig I have. If you happen to be in the area, it would be GREAT to sing a few tunes for you….


Wakefield, Canada: 9pm June 21st Black Sheep Inn s/g Miss Emily & Nick Sherman; Song Circle