
Listen to Your Gut

I Love to write. Being creative with words, stringing sentences together turning little black lines into something you can see and or think about is quite something. Finding a topic to write about when life has been good to you, now therein lies the challenge. Writing about pain is so very easy, even therapeutic, but (as I look up to the stars) I thank my lucky stars that I am not in the throws of pain at this very moment... but let me tell you, I suffered for years.  

I didn't find my one true Love until I was in my early 30's. Obviously I, being a Lover of Love, had to do a lot of research to find the right guy. My first boyfriend came into my life when I was sixteen years old, so believe me when I say I tried and tried again.


Today I am going to share a few little tidbits of (powerful) information that I have learned about human interaction (with regards to relationships, more specifically.) Firstly, let me tell you that I did it wrong for YEARS. I chose the wrong guy after the wrong guy after the wrong guy, and just when I said, I will take a year off to set things straight, to try to figure out what is RIGHT; I came back in full swing, choosing the wrong guy after the wrong guy after the wrong guy.


When they don't call you shortly after your first meeting, they DID NOT lose your number. So do NOT text them! Wait for them to text you (call you, facebook you etc etc) ~seriously, I hear some of you saying but why is it up to the guy to call?? because, Dear, YOU are into them, clearly, and you want them to be into you and they have to want to come to you. If they are into YOU, they will call. Let them call! And, warning, if they choose to call you, text you, facebook you late at night, then they are not interested in your soul, they are interested in having fun (which does not have to be a bad thing but if you are anything like me, there is a small seed of hope when that message comes in, or when you spend that second night together, a seed that you hope starts sprouting into Love.) One thing that is also very, very important, is listening to your gutt, or that wee voice that usually comes in as a whisper of doubt. Did you happen to hear something that sounded like a) Umm, this guy is WAY too hot, this is not gonna work or b) Ummm, this guy has a lazy eye, it kind of freaks me out or c) This guy talks about himself a lot, and really hasn't asked me any questions... but heck is he ever cute.... (okay, you get my drift and now I know that if there were doubts right from the start then this is NOT “the” guy.) When I think back to my “boyfriends” (some of whom I like to think actually were my boyfriends, but they were NOT) I can see that there was always a whisper of a doubt. Like, this guy has too much baggage (kids + crazy ex, mental issues) or this guy snorts/spits too much or this guy still lives with his parents. Too many red flags, but I busted through them with one big helping of HOPE in every case. Unfortunately, it took me years to start hearing that whisper.


So, here we are a few weeks/months in (with the wrong guy.) Shoot! He keeps coming home drunk and last week he peed in the corner of the bedroom, and last night he peed in the bed!! Of course he was sorry the next day and made you your favourite pancakes. (On a side note, this person could also be a girl, but my experiences include the male gender. All types of people can be lost and not ready to be in a relationship with you.) So how about the guy who calls you a bitch or something worse? Thankfully I came from a home where name-calling was not an option, which in turn is something I will not stand for, nor should you! Also, if he cheats on you, he is not that into you. If you take him back after cheating, he might do it again, and come on, would you REALLY ever trust him again?? What does your gutt say?


I could go on and on about what not to do, hindsight is 20/20 right??? All these heart-breaking experiences have led me into finally do the right thing, so there's that. I don't have any regrets, but if I can help one person get out of a situation that they know DEEP DOWN they should NOT be in, then I have done something good and right. If it smells good, looks good and feels good, then it is good.


Luckily I can syphon all my pain through music. If you listen to my music you will hear many examples of this. These days, of course problems still arise, but I feel it in my gutt that I made the right decision by marrying a man who Loves me to bits, never calls me names and always pees in the toilet (or in the field behind the house.) We have our ups and downs, living with someone can feel like riding a roller coaster at times (humans are moody and emotional, right?) but every fibre of my being sways towards Love when I think of him. It took me long enough.

“The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.” ? Ernest Hemingway

Health Music Love Food

In no particular order, I suppose these are four of the most important things in my life. How bout you?

What are your top FOUR???

I just signed up for the #30x30Challenge via the David Suzuki Foundation. Here is the link Basically, it is to get people more involved in the "Nature of  Things." What a smart thing to do, get people across Canada (or wherever!) to sign up for a daily dose of outside stuffs. Sometimes things are just easier to accomplish when you know other people are doing it with you. I wish I could MAKE MYSELF get out into nature daily, for thirty minutes or more, but I find myself doing other indoor type things and the day is gone when I finally decide to make the 'outside stuffs' happen... I am certain I am not the only one, so I truly welcome this challenge. If you want to get involved it is never too late, just click on the link. If you are interested in following me and my journey, I will be posting photos daily on my Instagram photo site so come follow me!! I will also be forwarding those posts to ... Long live healthy doses of HEALTH!! Oh, also, in other HEALTH news, I quit eating chocolate for the month and living in Switzerland does not make this easy... Dang! But, I can do it!!

Onto music news....

Well the new album is rolling along smoothly and it is great, if I do say so myself!! It's funny and strange, but every time I get a mix sent to me, I get shivers from hearing it. This is not the norm, as I am usually sick of me after the recording process, but seeing as I let go of a lot of the creative control, putting it into the hands of my producer, Brock Zeman who added Blair Hogan to the mix, the new tunes are sounding fantastic. Even my Dad likes them, saying  they are radio worthy!! How exciting??? (On a side note, Dad used to work in the radio industry, as a news/weather man, so, well, HE KNOWS ;) ) Haaha... Yes, I am thrilled and look forward to the day when the whole project comes together, and of course when it can be sent to YOUR ears :)

In the meantime, I am living in Switzerland these days (hence the chocolate issues) and have a few gigs coming up here. Lately I have been a fan of house concerts. This type of concert is fast becoming popular in North America but only just getting started here in the land of Chocolate and Cheese. So tonight I make my debut performance in someones home in Wichtrach, CH. Last weekend I was in Bern city, singing in the privacy of one's living room... It was quite special and I wrote blog about it over on my Facebook fan page, you can read it here While, I LOVE performing in fantastic venues, there are a shortage of fantastic venues. What is a fantastic venue? How about one that holds attentive listeners? My performance is SO.MUCH.BETTER when I have the attention of the people. Some of you might say "Well, it's up to the performer to grab the listener's attention!" I will not dispute that, BUT when there are T.V's on in the back showing sports games, and people sitting at the bar who didn't buy tickets, and are not there for the music, one must compete with conversation which is hard. See, most venues are TWO things... A place to go see music and a place to let loose after work. Some places are known for their music i.e The Black Sheep Inn in Wakefield Quebec where people DO go to listen, even if there is a T.V on playing sports, as there IS an exception to every rule... but a living room concert is a wonderful place to unleash an artistic performance. They are SUPER easy to organize, as well. No stress!! Just a fun, intimate party with nibblies, wine and songs. Book one today ;)

Soon I will be singing in Luzern, and Zurich too. You can find the list of gigs at the end of this message.

Love sweet Love.

It is extremely helpful to have it in your life and I am extremely blessed to have found it.... People ask me "But now that you have found Love, where will all the torturous songs come from??" Well, thank GOODness I have lots of friends who experience torturous Love-fails, plus I have enough of my own experience on the back burners to call upon if needed. Of course the occasional LOVE song isn't so bad, is it???? Ha!


Mmmmmmmm FOOD.

I have been a foodie for as long as I can remember.... But only now, am I a cook. I was in the service industry for SO many years that I just ate at work or ate out... But since finding a partner-in-crime, I find cooking so much more enjoyable.  Working for chefs for SO many years, I must have caught on to how to do it right... (at least that's what my hubby says ;) ) We started our first vegetable garden this Spring... I simply can NOT wait to get my hands on the veggies that I grew, Loved and tended to mySELF!! Yes, sometimes the small things are the BIG things!! Imagine, me a green thumb. Lucky for me I have a helper in my hubby... We have sunflowers, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, and more! Grow a garden, folks!

SO that is my blog today. I have given you LOTS of links, and ideas, I hope...

Here are some up and coming gigs  :)

May 3rd Wichtrach House Concert w Daniel Sigrist

May 4th Luzern Hotel National

May 6th Zurich Café Henrici

May 9th Aeschiried House Concert w Daniel Sigrist

May 17th Winterthur House Concert w Timothy Jaromir and RYKKA

May 24th Zurich House Concert w Timothy Jaromir and RYKKA

June 14th Zurich Private Party

June 28th Luzern LUZERNERFEST

NEW CD "CHAMELEON" coming SOON xoxoxoxoxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Forget Me Not

The flowers are bursting through the cold dark ground, giving us light and colour.I grew up with an intense Love for those miniature sky blue/pink  flowers, those sweet sweet Forget-Me-Nots. My Great Grandmother brought some over to the property they established alongside the Gatineau River, all those years ago, from Germany. Now, each Spring, the entire few acres are covered in blue and pink tipped grass. The vases over-flowed with those little touches of pretty. And now, when I see them peeking through I 'forget not' the times we all shared together, on that property by the river, sipping coffee and talking life over those precious vases of colour.  And now, I cherish the little Delft vase my GrandMother gave to me, and today, it sits on my kitchen table, filled with different shades of blue and pink...

There are so many ways to find beauty in life. Tradition has it's ways of reminding us. What a legacy that lived before me! If only I could travel back in time to ask some of my ancestors questions, I wonder what their voices sounded like, what type of accents they had... Besides German, I am certain there were loads of Scottish accents, and I wonder when they stopped speaking Gallic up there in the northern lands by the sea. My heritage is certainly a mix-up, wouldn't it be so interesting to snap your fingers, and glimpse into the past. For now, we have relics and photos and I get to use my imagination to no end. My Grandfather started up a family tree book and I remember one of his relatives was in search of gold, up in Northern Canada, back in the days of the uncivilized, no electricity and little information about wild animals, not much law... He must have had a fierce determination to get up there, following his big dreams.  Maybe part of his essence seeped into me and gives me the determination to keep following mine. I wonder if there were other singers in my family, besides my dear sweet Mama who LOVES to sing along to The Beatles, Boney M, and me. My Grandmother sang some show tunes, once upon a time, for fun, but I wonder if there was an antique piano being played somewhere with a voice soaring above it, for all to hear. I wonder where that magic of music that flows inside of me started? Was he a he? Was she a she?? Well, I may never know how, when, who or where, but I am a million times thankful. Even on my darkest days, where it seems that no gigs are coming in, and no ears hear my songs, I have faith that the flow is forever steady and present.

So, today, I thank you for your flowers and the music... Two of my favourite things.

Love Lindsay



Time to Breathe

Moving from one country to another, means packing up one house and organizing 23kg of 'must haves' to take to the other one. This can be super tough, and I had to constantly remind myself that the things I couldn't take with me were just that, things. 23kg, HA!! I did it though. But to think I packed up our whole house (ahem, trailer) cleaned it all up to sell, when for weeks I was losing sleep about how I was going to manage it all, AND do my taxes, AND book a tour out East, AND scrutinizing new mixes for my new record, and and....It just goes to show you where once it seems so hopeless and you think you'll never be able to get through it, losing sleep, stressing out, headaches etc etc but we DO manage, we DO get it all done, and once again, I am living proof, I did it!! As a side note, I mailed off my taxes the very day I flew out of Canada. Last minute Lindsay wins again. What a whirlwind though. From leaving Wakefield to spending some meaningful time/playing some meaningful shows in Nova Scotia, to flying to Switzerland and setting up house over here, I can finally say "phew" sit down and drink a coffee with a free mind. It feels so unusual to be so non-stressed out!! How wonderful actually, even if a little jet-lagged.

Nova Scotia has to be a new favourite place of mine. I forgot how simple and friendly the East Coast mentality is. I really needed that fresh sea air too, so thank you to all of my friends and fans, new and old. I will be coming back at the end of August, possibly the start of September (most likely) to start off my Canadian CD release tour. What fun!

In the meantime, I am here, in my little home over-looking a  small Swiss village for the next few months. It is great to be back, but always so sad to say good bye to my Canada. That said, it has been easier this time around, much due to the weather. Leaving snow storms and hurricanes to come back to green grass, buds bursting on trees, and flowers pushing up through damp spring ground, not bad at all. However, the change from Winter to Spring in one flight hasn't quite settled in yet. Though I am pleased about the breeze in my living room (the windows are open!!) it is a bit strange, as I am very much a seasonal gal and feel as though I too am still waking up. A new perspective for sure.

Well, there is some laundry to be hung on the line, and more coffee to brew, so I will get to it! Oh, and I will try to update my blog WEEKLY, so please if I am not doing this, will someone kick me into gear??? I Love to write and would like to do more of it, so any reminders will be appreciated.

Lots of gigs in Switzerland coming up, mostly house concerts, and private parties in the month of May, but I will be in Zurich at Cafe Henrici on May 6th. If you are in the area, come see!!!

Hugs and Love

Lindsay xo


New Album in the WORKS!

Hey readers :) I hope this note finds you well and strong after enduring weeks upon weeks of snow and cold (providing you are reading this note from Canada.) If you are reading from other, more warmer spots on planet Earth, I am jealous, but won't hold it against you. It is snowing again, as I type. As a little pre-cursor, my hubby wanted to check out Canada in the winter, usually we spend winter in HIS home and native land of Switzerland (which is experiencing warmer than usual temps these days) but not this year. We chose the coldest and snowiest winter (in these parts) in the last fifty years!! Not only did we choose to endure such temps and weather in Canada, but we chose to live in a trailer with no insulation!! It may seem pretty crazy, when written down, but really, it gets very warm in this little tin box, since we installed a wood-stove. It only feels like the  craziest decision of my life at four in the morning after the fire has long since burned out and the outside temps have frozen all the warm air inside. One morning I woke up and it was minus six degrees Celsius in our bedroom.  But the view is great and having spent eight weeks in a cast, not able to get around very well with a broken leg, it was a blessing, strangely enough, to have everything pretty much at an arms length. Oh and as a side note, you aren't trailer trash unless you live in a trailer park. Phew!!!

Aside from all of that winter weather nonsense, life has been wonderful, living in the middle of the Gatineau Hills and calling Wakefield home. What a wonderful little community, where there is always something happening, and even in the darkest days it can be pretty bright. Soon we are leaving these parts though, and heading back to the land of Chocolate and Cheese.  In the past, I have written blogs about dual-country living,  it is always hardest at the beginning and at the end. You get used to your life in one place, finally, then have to up-root to the other place, getting used to that place, only having to leave again. Don't get me wrong, these are shallow complaints, as we really do get the best of both worlds. One can't forget Canadian Poutine and Switzerland Fondue!

This time, we are leaving from Halifax on April 2nd, heading out on a little road trip, with hopes to play a few shows here and there on our way. It was a last minute decision, so booking has been a little hard but I am getting some bites and will post the gigs as they come. For sure I am playing in Seaforth N.S on on the 22nd! Message me if you would like details, :)

Anyway getting on to the BEST TOPIC EVER (in MY life, anyway!) is my latest labour of Love, my newest musical project, my third record-in-the-works: "Chameleon." I have been recording and creating this melodic dream with Producer Extra-Ordinaire Mr. Brock Zeman. Brock is a musician through and through and is currently on tour in the United States, you can find his tour dates here

Brock and I have shared the stage a few times... Take that time we opened for Steve Earle... Me first, then him, then Steve. Now THAT was cool. Having a history, I decided to ask him if he would like to help me out on my third record. Brock has been piecing together a studio over the years, in the basement of his riverside home, in the middle of Nowhere, Ontario. Apologies to those folks who live in Lanark, Ontario, but I am pretty sure you know what I mean... It IS however a small piece of paradise out there, even if the roads aren't plowed!! Haaaa. I have always Loved Brocks vision, musically, and thought, let's see if we can combine our talent for sound. Our musical performances are quite different from each others. His is more dirty, greasy folk rock and I am more raunchy pretty folk pop. Turns out the two sounds blend very well and let me tell you,  imaginations have run wild! I am so thrilled, in so many ways and can't wait to get it out there, but it will take some time. This time around, I have asked a few artists from across the globe to share their skills, (what with technology and all) one is as far away as Egypt! I guess I really wanted to take my time on this, no rushing and NO booking a CD release party before the actual CD was in my hot little hands! Hahaaa... Sometimes you learn your lessons!

Anyway, I just wanted to up date you all on what has been happening this winter of 2014. I hope things are running smoothly for YOU and that YOU TOO let your imaginations run wild from time to time....

Love Lindsay

Up & Coming GIGS :)

Hey folks, Are you interested in seeing me perform live??

Here's hoping :)

(also, I am always looking for HOUSE CONCERT performances, so if you have something to celebrate, we can plan for the BEST way to make that happen! Send me an email at


Thursday September 5th at 10'ish in the morning, check out Ottawa's ROGERS TV

Friday September 6th at 10'ish in the morning, check out Ottawa's CTV

Saturday September 7th OTTAWA FOLK FESTIVAL, Ravenlaw Stage, from 2pm to 3pm


Wednesday September 18th in PORT HOPE at Cravingz

Saturday September 21st in BELLEVILLE at PORCHFEST from 3pm to 4pm

Thursday October 3rd in Wakefield at The Black Sheep Inn with Jadea Kelly

Saturday October 5th in Wakefield at The Wakefield Market 10am to 1pm

Friday November 8th in Ottawa at The Shenkman Arts Centre with RYKKA

And there July was, gone.

Hello from this 200 year old farm house. We live on the top floor and considering the HEAT that this Summer is bringing us, it's not so bad with the windows wide open when there is a breeze flowing through.

July was a wonderful somewhat cool month, filled with new song-writing, sweet music playing, delicious barbeque eating and refreshing river/lake swimming.

I having been missing my Gatineau River and the people and food of the wonderful Wakefield Quebec, but life is pretty wonderful up here, out here, a five minute drive to the Alps.

We went swimming in the River Aare, or rather "floating." It is a fast paced river, and you just get in with a floaty of some sort (in my case, a waterproof bag to store some drinking water, my towel etc) and go sailing down the river rather quickly. It's a blue/green crystal clear river which reminded me of white-water rafting (with ROAM -Rivers, Oceans and Mountains) down the Chilcotin River in British Columbia, without the raft of course. It was pretty amazing but for some reason I kept getting away from the rest of my friends and had to "swim" up-river so that they could catch up to me which made my leisurely float a tad less leisurely and I could definitely feel it the next day... the GOOD pain, you know??? I remember when we were in B.C in the big yellow rafts, we would have to plan our lunch spot or camping spot for the night well in advance so we could make the stop and not get swept away by the current... Well it is a little more difficult when planning a lunch stop with a little floaty bag, naked toes and wimpy risk smashing into the rocks that you are about to sit and eat on. I have a little bruise on my elbow, but really, all was SUPER fun and I would do it again... actually the best part was diving down under the water, opening your eyes and feeling your body racing through the water, speeding past the rocks... Amazing, such a perfect day spent for a water baby such as myself.

Yesterday was my first time celebrating Swiss National Day. For all of the "Swiss" order of things, it wasn't as orderly as I thought it would be. See, the fireworks started at 10am and didn't stop until past midnight, people ALL over Switzerland were letting them off, everywhere and not just in one place, but next door, up the road, over the mountain, across the stream, down by the river, in the backyard, in the side yard in the front yard.... EVERYWHERE, all day. In Canada, there are the odd folks who set some off at the beach etc around sunset but mostly, townfolk/cityfolk head to a designated area and watch them all together singing chorus' of Ooooh's and Aaaaah's... Not here. Silence then BAM, silence then POW, silence then CRASH BOOM BANG!!! I had to let out a few whistles of appreciation... you can take the girl out of Canada...

I got some great news a couple of days ago. Not only am I coming home back to Canada in September, but I am playing at the Ottawa Folk Festival for the first time. It was my SEVENTH time applying, so lucky number SEVEN came through and I am pretty excited to be making my debut Canadian show in MONTHS at a Folk Festival; the same festival that EmmyLou Harris and Beth Orton are playing at. Tres cool I must say, and I can't wait to get my dirty festival feet on!!

As always, I am looking to book shows and if you are reading this note and would like to host a house concert, a backyard BBQ or a dinner & music style event... Any kind of musical event featuring ME... don't hesitate to email me at

Until we meet again,

Love, Live and Smile!!

Lindsay xo

First Day of Summer 2013

And just like that, Summer began. In the darkest days of winter, most of us long for today, and here it is in all it's blue-sky-green-grass-leafy-tree glory (it's actually over-cast here, but we all get the drift!)

I Love both Seasons. All seasons, actually. Each one has it's best part, and each 0ne helps me, in some way or form, to be inspired to follow my dreams and stay on the right course. Naturally, on occasion I take the wrong road, the 'road less traveled' but in the end,  most avenues are right, as hindsight is always 20/20.

It's my first time writing here as a married woman.

The last few months were filled to the brim with excitement and plans and yellow tape and caterers and paperwork and dress measuring and clothes shopping and phone calls and invites and organizing and basking in the Love of my mans eyes. All in the name of Love and all for the best day of my life, my wedding day. It's true what they say... It was the best day of my life, and I have lived through some pretty tremendous days. This one beat them all, so does that mean it's all down hill from now?? I think I will coast on the coat-tails of being a newly-wed for awhile...

It was also the first time I grew out my nails in many, many, many moons. One can't play the chords on guitar with finger nails. I missed the sounds of the strings plucked and strummed and all those melodies that flow out while I'm rehearsing. So I'm back at it, and when you step away from it for a couple of weeks (or more??) it's amazing what comes out once you get going again. The tap from that fresh water constant-running-spring had been corked so when I liberate the cork, the water is in full flowing force. Refreshing, beautiful, colourful musical 'water.' Oh how I bask in the glory of thee.

So I am back to writing and back to booking, all as a married woman.

Some say that you feel differently in your relationship once you tie the knot. I concur! I won't go into gushy details of Love, but it does feel as though there is a tighter, kindred connection, more sincere in a way? It's hard to put into words...more secure in the saddle? Someone recently asked me how I was going to create songs, now that my heart is solid and strong. Well, thank goodness I have a unique array of friendships that provide me with stimulating stories, not to mention the catalogue of  life's drama I have already seen ;)

It's my first Summer away from my second home (Canada) in a long time. The last place I spent a Summer was in Ireland, when I worked out on the Emerald Isle's west coast, in Connemara, all those years ago. Well, here I am in Switzerland, south of Bern, a bike-ride (all up hill!) away from the Alps. It's pretty heavenly here, but WHERE isn't it heavenly in the Summertime?

I miss my Wakefield. If you ever have the chance to head up, north of Ottawa to the Gatineau Hills in Quebec, do it. Wakefield has everything from Organic Farms, to hand crafted beeswax candles, to luxurious bakeries, to the BEST bistros, the BEST poutine, and the BEST place to see live music, at The Black Sheep Inn. We have an arts festival at the end of August called 'Wakefest' and there is a market every Saturday featuring live music, fresh breads, cookies, coffee, hand picked vegetables, hand crafted felted masterpieces, local honey, local EVERYTHING!! So go check it out... Oh and yeah, the Gatineau River is the liquid Love that brings it all together.

In the meantime, I will sit up here in this old farm house on the hill, over-looking the small village I live in part-time (half Swiss time half Canadian time!) serenaded by the melody of the sheep chimes, a fridge stocked with local cheeses, delicious beer and a cabinet full of chocolate.

Remember folks,

Life is what you make it.


Lindsay xo


Two Worlds

What is it like to live in two different places, for about half a year each? Well, I am in my third year, living in between... and it satisfies my 'wanderlust-filled' soul.

If I could, I would live like this for the rest of my life,

that way, I wouldn't have to say "Good-Bye" for too long.

I Love my friends and family across the world and it is truly hard to say those two words. When I embark on that final (for the moment) journey to the airport, I focus on the next place, and try to swallow those good-bye tears. Sometimes it's easier said than done, and I spend my train time swallowing hiccups and thankful I have a hanky.

Small price to pay however, to have a different view from time to time.


As a musician, I can find places to play anywhere in the world, from living rooms to lit stages, it's an 'easy' profession when it comes to up-rooting once in awhile... (or twice every year.)


Sometimes performance can be difficult, if you are used to getting a laugh in between songs, the nature of sarcasm and jokes can get lost on a crowd who may speak English as a second (or third) language. I am much more "Italian" in the way I speak when this is a factor, using my body and hands as tools to get the jokes across. It's pretty fun. Sometimes I just laugh to myself, or at myself... alone.

Laughter is the best medicine, right?


Miscommunication is okay for me, as is other "bad gig moments" such as a non-responsive crowd or a terrible sound system (or stinky microphone, yes, that happens too!) In these cases, it just becomes a 'practice session' or yeah, just about the money ;) However, I do believe in performing as best as I can, even if there are only a handful (or more) of listeners. If I can get through to someone, just a little, then I have done my job.


Fellow Canadian artist, Craig Cardiff has a notebook that he takes to his concerts in which he asks people to write their dreams, thoughts, secrets etc in... And it always amazes me, when I get a chance to read some of these, at how profoundly music can help. I am so entirely thankful for this musical path I am on, be it for me or for you, it's worth it. Bad sound systems, non-listeners, sore shoulders, hot lights, smelly mics, long drives, sideway-glances and all!


Being away from home, either home, is tough at times. Thankfully Social-Media is here for home-sickness... or maybe not? I see shows and markets and babies that I am missing out on, but still, I get to see your face once in awhile and hear your voice too!! At the very least we get to stay present in each others lives, which is  big bonus, missing you in 'real life' or not.


Currently, I am writing a new song, featuring wisdom that I have learned over the years.

I hope to debut it on Sunday, where my voice will be soaring in a church for the first time in a long time.


You never really know what life will bring. Look forward to every day, and try not to want to know,

that way, you will be surprised,

surprises are good.


Love Lindsay

A Life in the Day of an Indie Artist

I live each day trying to fulfill my needs as a self-employed singer and song-writer which doesn’t always have to be that complicated and trying to explain what I do to people who are living by an entirely different set of rules, well, therein lies the complication. Talk about guilt! Some days on my list of things to do it goes a bit like: Make a fire, put the coffee on, do the dishes, check your emails, write a blog, pick up the guitar, work on songs, put more logs on the fire, fill up the wood box, prepare dinner, read a book, book a show, watch a movie, charge the phone, go to sleep. Some days the writing table is full of arts ‘n craft supplies, feather earrings!! Sometimes there is a yoga mat on the floor. Sometimes I get to talk on Skype to close friends and family, some days I get to go on hikes, you know, fuel for the soul and the songs. Some days I get to PLAY MUSIC in front of an audience.

These are pretty much the details that make up my life. I am also very lucky because I have a partner in crime who accepts and Loves me for who I am and what I do. I do not follow the normal day to day life that many of my friends have and it’s a bit hard for me sometimes because I am sure that there are people out there that do not appreciate my life, the life I chose, this independent set-your-own-rules way of living.

Talk about discipline! There is no one out there telling me what I have to do, no guidelines, no boss, so it’s all up to me.

I remember moving out of the house I grew up in, to University, where I could do whatever I wanted. I could eat marshmallows for breakfast and potato chips for dinner, there was no one to tell me any different. But through heartburn and tiredness I quickly learned how to eat better and be more attentive to my nutritional needs. Some days I feel like I am back there, in need of discipline and Mama’s knowledge.

I am still learning and still working hard to keep this musical ball rolling and it can be hard without a boss. I am not saying the grass is greener, but I am saying that I appreciate all of you who work so hard in a fixed schedule and sometimes I wish someone could arrange mine for me. Alas, this is my life and I am sticking to it.

Up with music!!