david suzuki

Nature Heals.

It's cold and grey outside; May showers rain on May flowers. Under a grey sky, every colour pops out so much brighter, the greens are so lush now and the land is dotted with various petal shades.  It was a 'no brainer' to collect a bouquet rather than to buy one for Mother's Day. I mean WOW! The beauty of it all. Some of it is even edible, did you know that you can put those baby daisies in your salad?? Finding out these special little clues about life make me want to find out more! My Great-Grandfather, Dr. Hans Güssow was a Dr. of Botany and I can't help but wonder if some of my curiosity comes from his? I see more and more about edible "weeds" that we just pull out and dispose of. I remember while I was in Halifax, a friend of mine got  'skin burn,' from dancing Capoeira, and he cured it completely just by chewing up some green leaves (what were they?) until they kind of came together as a mesh, then placing them on his wound. The next day the huge red raw piece of skin was entirely back to normal. Healing teas are also something I could concoct from the different flowers around these parts. I collected (and dried) an entire jar of teeny-tiny yellow blooms (they call them "Schlüssel Blühmli" -key flowers- here and I just googled to find out the English name which is "Cowslip") Anyway, these blooms are great for healing a cough. Amazing, right? All outside, for free. Speaking of  outside... I joined Canada's 30x30 Nature Challenge http://30x30.davidsuzuki.org/ which means getting outside every day for thirty minutes. Luckily for me, there is a complex map of trails around where I live so there is never a dull moment out there (and my time outside is always longer than thirty minutes!) "They" say that if you start a new way of life, it takes approximately twenty-one days for it to become a habit (ooh, I just googled that and apparently it's a myth! Oops!) Well, whatever, I would LOVE to be able to continue the "challenge" past the 30 day mark. It feels so good to get out for a dose of self-Love and fresh air... good for all of the senses too, especially at this time of year with the fragrant pockets of air that magically just appear. Some days though, you just want to stay inside and do the house-hold stuffs or stay attached to your guitar or keep on at the computer aspect of your job or whatever... but every time I get home from an excursion I feel better. Every time. It's like that voice inside your head says "No, I don't wanna go!!" but you fight it and then later, that same voice says "Phew! So glad I went and I feel so much better!" Every time. So, if you are feeling uninspired today, just head out for a walk or a hop or a roll (perhaps you are on crutches or in a wheel-chair?) I promise you will feel more clear-headed and fresh for it. Office types could just head out at lunch... Where there is a will, there is a way!! Go outside, find yours :)

p.s I am posting daily photos on twitter and if you'd like to see them, follow me! www.twitter.com/linzferg


Nature Heals.

Love, Lindsay xo


Health Music Love Food

In no particular order, I suppose these are four of the most important things in my life. How bout you?

What are your top FOUR???

I just signed up for the #30x30Challenge via the David Suzuki Foundation. Here is the link http://30x30.davidsuzuki.org/ Basically, it is to get people more involved in the "Nature of  Things." What a smart thing to do, get people across Canada (or wherever!) to sign up for a daily dose of outside stuffs. Sometimes things are just easier to accomplish when you know other people are doing it with you. I wish I could MAKE MYSELF get out into nature daily, for thirty minutes or more, but I find myself doing other indoor type things and the day is gone when I finally decide to make the 'outside stuffs' happen... I am certain I am not the only one, so I truly welcome this challenge. If you want to get involved it is never too late, just click on the link. If you are interested in following me and my journey, I will be posting photos daily on my Instagram photo site http://instagram.com/linzferg so come follow me!! I will also be forwarding those posts to https://twitter.com/linzferg ... Long live healthy doses of HEALTH!! Oh, also, in other HEALTH news, I quit eating chocolate for the month and living in Switzerland does not make this easy... Dang! But, I can do it!!

Onto music news....

Well the new album is rolling along smoothly and it is great, if I do say so myself!! It's funny and strange, but every time I get a mix sent to me, I get shivers from hearing it. This is not the norm, as I am usually sick of me after the recording process, but seeing as I let go of a lot of the creative control, putting it into the hands of my producer, Brock Zeman who added Blair Hogan to the mix, the new tunes are sounding fantastic. Even my Dad likes them, saying  they are radio worthy!! How exciting??? (On a side note, Dad used to work in the radio industry, as a news/weather man, so, well, HE KNOWS ;) ) Haaha... Yes, I am thrilled and look forward to the day when the whole project comes together, and of course when it can be sent to YOUR ears :)

In the meantime, I am living in Switzerland these days (hence the chocolate issues) and have a few gigs coming up here. Lately I have been a fan of house concerts. This type of concert is fast becoming popular in North America but only just getting started here in the land of Chocolate and Cheese. So tonight I make my debut performance in someones home in Wichtrach, CH. Last weekend I was in Bern city, singing in the privacy of one's living room... It was quite special and I wrote blog about it over on my Facebook fan page, you can read it here https://www.facebook.com/lindsayfergusonmusic While, I LOVE performing in fantastic venues, there are a shortage of fantastic venues. What is a fantastic venue? How about one that holds attentive listeners? My performance is SO.MUCH.BETTER when I have the attention of the people. Some of you might say "Well, it's up to the performer to grab the listener's attention!" I will not dispute that, BUT when there are T.V's on in the back showing sports games, and people sitting at the bar who didn't buy tickets, and are not there for the music, one must compete with conversation which is hard. See, most venues are TWO things... A place to go see music and a place to let loose after work. Some places are known for their music i.e The Black Sheep Inn in Wakefield Quebec where people DO go to listen, even if there is a T.V on playing sports, as there IS an exception to every rule... but a living room concert is a wonderful place to unleash an artistic performance. They are SUPER easy to organize, as well. No stress!! Just a fun, intimate party with nibblies, wine and songs. Book one today ;)

Soon I will be singing in Luzern, and Zurich too. You can find the list of gigs at the end of this message.

Love sweet Love.

It is extremely helpful to have it in your life and I am extremely blessed to have found it.... People ask me "But now that you have found Love, where will all the torturous songs come from??" Well, thank GOODness I have lots of friends who experience torturous Love-fails, plus I have enough of my own experience on the back burners to call upon if needed. Of course the occasional LOVE song isn't so bad, is it???? Ha!


Mmmmmmmm FOOD.

I have been a foodie for as long as I can remember.... But only now, am I a cook. I was in the service industry for SO many years that I just ate at work or ate out... But since finding a partner-in-crime, I find cooking so much more enjoyable.  Working for chefs for SO many years, I must have caught on to how to do it right... (at least that's what my hubby says ;) ) We started our first vegetable garden this Spring... I simply can NOT wait to get my hands on the veggies that I grew, Loved and tended to mySELF!! Yes, sometimes the small things are the BIG things!! Imagine, me a green thumb. Lucky for me I have a helper in my hubby... We have sunflowers, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, and more! Grow a garden, folks!

SO that is my blog today. I have given you LOTS of links, and ideas, I hope...

Here are some up and coming gigs  :)

May 3rd Wichtrach House Concert w Daniel Sigrist

May 4th Luzern Hotel National  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/living-in-luzern-magazine-launch-tickets-10391309687

May 6th Zurich Café Henrici http://www.cafe-henrici.ch/

May 9th Aeschiried House Concert w Daniel Sigrist

May 17th Winterthur House Concert w Timothy Jaromir and RYKKA

May 24th Zurich House Concert w Timothy Jaromir and RYKKA

June 14th Zurich Private Party

June 28th Luzern LUZERNERFEST http://www.luzernerfest.ch/de

NEW CD "CHAMELEON" coming SOON xoxoxoxoxxxxxxxxxxxxx