land of chocolate

Happy Holidaze

Greetings from the Bernese Oberlands! Currently on the radio they are playing "For Your Eyes Only." What a blast from the past, not sure if I should run over and switch the station?? Hahahaa... So what are YOUR plans for the Holidays? It does seem a bit rushed this year, I have fond memories of skinny dipping in the Gatineau River, and not sure how winter, let alone Christmas has arrived so quickly. Alas, time flies when you are having fun, so they say. Here I sit atop a hill over-looking a quaint village, filled with Swiss houses, shooting smoke from their chimneys. We have a small wood stove in the kitchen which heats the whole house... I should actually be stoking the fire as we speak, but heck, this small computer seems to eradicate time completely and the next thing you know, I am back down in the kitchen re-starting the fire once more. I tried to get up for the eclipse by the way, and I was up about a half hour before it started, then to my dismay, I fell, once again into a deep sleep and missed it entirely. Though, I did dream that I saw it, twice, once it went very slow, and in the other dream, it was SUPER fast, in fast forward motion... Maybe I shouldn't eat so much chocolate before bed???? Hahahaa, it IS the holiday season tho, and chocolate is a MUST!!! Especially when in Switzerland. I was interviewed on Swiss Radio Rabe this past weekend, and if you would like to have a listen, please do, but you will need Windows Media Player, or something like it....

So if you happen to be in the Luzern area, and would like to attend a gig, featuring two Canadian Songstresses, please come on out on the 6th of January, at The Gewerbehalle, where the Lovely and Talented Christina Maria and myself will take to the stage... Have a super holiday in the meantime, MUCH Love from the land of Chocolate & Cheese, Lindsay xo

High Flyin'

Hi from Air Canada flight 868 to Zurich, Switzerland. It was a long walk through Pearson airport to get to this seat on the plane, I am still flush from all the heavy stuff I was carrying, which is now safely tucked away in the over head compartment. The first class (executive) section on this plane looks like it’s from a space ship… there are pods to sit or lay down in, I wonder  what the business class will look like when I can afford a ticket to sit in it, perhaps there will be beds behind locked doors, then perhaps the mile high club won’t sound as appeasing?? Ha! Who knows when or where, but the “whatever it’s called” class will be welcomed! In the meantime, I am happy in my lots of leg room seating beside a nice man who doesn’t talk much. The ceilings are a lot higher in this plane too, so it doesn’t feel as claustrophobic. I fly into Zurich where I will be picked up and taken to one of my favourite cities in the land of chocolate and cheese, Luzern. Here I will embark on a few weeks of writing new songs, eating cheese fondue, drinking delicious coffee, spending time with friends, buying cheap vodka, devouring the world’s (in my opinion) BEST pizza with an amazing friend who is originally from St. John’s Newfoundland and now lives in Switzerland, he in fact introduced me to Switzerland and the best ever pizza, I am a lucky girl, choosing to live in Newfoundland all those years ago, choosing to work on the famous “George Street”.  Life is funny that way, it really is a series of events, one after  the other; a series of questions to be answered; a wallop of choices to be made. It’s really all up to you, continue reading, don’t, get up and move, watch T.V, answer the phone, let someone else, go for brunch, cook it yourself, book a flight, ride your bike… yep, let’s keep it simple and just go with the flow! Aren’t we all wound a little too tightly? I think we should just breath deep and let life happen, it will you know, exactly the way it’s supposed to and we, as human beings are resilient, and will strive for a good time, and we will get it. Now I have to turn off this electronic device and listen to the plane, feel the plane do it’s thing. See you in Swissie-Land. Lot’s of writing to come. Heart, Lindsay xo

Lovliness in Luzern

It seems as though life is getting away from me here in the world of  Swiss wonder. I apologize to those readers who might have missed hearing from me. I had a dream last night that I was back home in Canada, that I never had a chance to say good-bye to all the splendour here... it made me very sad to say the least, and that much more appreciative of my time here. I have been in the land of Chocolate & Cheese for a month and have one more month to go. Then it's back to my home & native, which I Love more than anything, just to be sure!! Being here gives one a much different perspective on life. For an example, most of the time, I can't understand a bloody thing anyone says. You know what? This greatly pleases me, I thought it would be bothersome, but I quite like not having to express my opinion and I am content in not overhearing banal conversations such as the weather or sore feet. Language in general is much simpler to use here. One uses only the absolute necessary words to get their point across and you really only make a point if it's important, interesting or profound. It's pretty neat, there isn't a lof of time or use for the insignificant. I have learned a LOT while here, peace and quiet has a whole new meaning for me. I have also been working new songs, I have three at this point and really look forward to the day when I get back into studio to record another album. When I return home, I will travel to Halifax for the first time. There is an excellent new music festival that I will be a part of called "In the Dead of Winter". My one true Love (besides Music) is the Ocean... Halifax is on the Ocean... I can't wait. In the meantime, I will do some more writing here, spend some time on the slopes, eat some Cheese Fondue, play some gigs ( I play here with an excellent Cajon/Kahon player, it's so great to have a percussionist by my side!! Thanks  Andy!!) I will spend Christmas with some great friends, make sure to get my fill of Chocolate too!! So I hope all of you out there have a wonderful Holiday... put your feet up and have an eggnog for me!!! I'll write soon, Love Lindsay xox