
Lindsay GIGS

Hey fine folks of the world who read these little black letters... Perhaps you are near-by to one of these places in which I will be singing for you??

(Okay, I sing for me too!)

Saturday September 6th - Wakefield, Wakefield Market from about 10am-12pm

Saturday September 6th - Deep River, Yacht & Tennis Club 8pm

Saturday September 13th - Prince Edward County, ON, Active Arts Studio, 8pm

Thursday September 18th - Wakefield, Black Sheep Inn 8pm (with Valerie Gore)

Very happy to be playing some music!! I will be sharing some songs from my newest album too, although the album itself is not ready to be sold yet,  I can take pre-orders for sure :)

Love Lindsay xo

Time to Breathe

Moving from one country to another, means packing up one house and organizing 23kg of 'must haves' to take to the other one. This can be super tough, and I had to constantly remind myself that the things I couldn't take with me were just that, things. 23kg, HA!! I did it though. But to think I packed up our whole house (ahem, trailer) cleaned it all up to sell, when for weeks I was losing sleep about how I was going to manage it all, AND do my taxes, AND book a tour out East, AND scrutinizing new mixes for my new record, and and....It just goes to show you where once it seems so hopeless and you think you'll never be able to get through it, losing sleep, stressing out, headaches etc etc but we DO manage, we DO get it all done, and once again, I am living proof, I did it!! As a side note, I mailed off my taxes the very day I flew out of Canada. Last minute Lindsay wins again. What a whirlwind though. From leaving Wakefield to spending some meaningful time/playing some meaningful shows in Nova Scotia, to flying to Switzerland and setting up house over here, I can finally say "phew" sit down and drink a coffee with a free mind. It feels so unusual to be so non-stressed out!! How wonderful actually, even if a little jet-lagged.

Nova Scotia has to be a new favourite place of mine. I forgot how simple and friendly the East Coast mentality is. I really needed that fresh sea air too, so thank you to all of my friends and fans, new and old. I will be coming back at the end of August, possibly the start of September (most likely) to start off my Canadian CD release tour. What fun!

In the meantime, I am here, in my little home over-looking a  small Swiss village for the next few months. It is great to be back, but always so sad to say good bye to my Canada. That said, it has been easier this time around, much due to the weather. Leaving snow storms and hurricanes to come back to green grass, buds bursting on trees, and flowers pushing up through damp spring ground, not bad at all. However, the change from Winter to Spring in one flight hasn't quite settled in yet. Though I am pleased about the breeze in my living room (the windows are open!!) it is a bit strange, as I am very much a seasonal gal and feel as though I too am still waking up. A new perspective for sure.

Well, there is some laundry to be hung on the line, and more coffee to brew, so I will get to it! Oh, and I will try to update my blog WEEKLY, so please if I am not doing this, will someone kick me into gear??? I Love to write and would like to do more of it, so any reminders will be appreciated.

Lots of gigs in Switzerland coming up, mostly house concerts, and private parties in the month of May, but I will be in Zurich at Cafe Henrici on May 6th. If you are in the area, come see!!!

Hugs and Love

Lindsay xo


The Italian Switzerland.

I write to you today only nine days away from Canada. I have mixed feelings about leaving here, as it is so wonderful in Switzerland, there are just so many things that are different from Canada that I Love but then there are so many things in Canada that are different from here, that I Love. As an example, here, they don’t mow the lawn at lunch time, after work or on Sundays, and they don’t use a chainsaw or make any loud noises at all during these times. It’s an unspoken rule. It’s quiet, I like that. However, when you are in the grocery store, and you are talking about what you want to get, pondering over what’s for dinner, you have to be side by side together and speak lightly, for an example if he is at the other end of the veggie section and you are in the herbs wondering if he wants some basil, you would have to go over and ask, instead of talking a BIT louder, and heavens to betsy if you are chatting in the line-up waiting to pay! It’s quiet, I don’t like that. Anyway, there are differences to every place, and I am very fortunate to have been here for a few months and I am also very fortunate to be getting home, to Canada, even better, to Wakefield, Quebec!

So, the “Italian Switzerland” is like a whole other country.  I was in Ticino, about a 40min drive from Milan, Italy. People don’t say “Gruezi” as hello, or “Tchuess” as good bye, they say “Bonjourno” and “Arriva Derci” so yes, everyone speaks Italian, or English, but NO Schweizerdeutsch, which is what I have been trying to learn. It’s not so easy when EVERY word has two different spellings and pronunciations. See, I have to learn High German first, so I can read here, there is no written Swiss German. And, of course there is a LOT of slang terms… let’s just say, those are coming a lot easier…I could teach you a few of those ;)

Getting back to Ticino, I stayed at a hotel over -looking the city, mountains and the Lake of Lugano. I felt like I was in the Mediterranean, you could almost smell the ocean, it was warm and all the flowers were in full bloom. Speaking of flowers, when we pulled up into the gate of the reception, it was unlike your typical “you need permission to come onto these grounds” gate, it was a cement box full of flowers that was sitting on a steel arm which would just slowly sway the flowers out of the way. Interesting camouflage! In staying with the Mediterranean theme, I chose big fat juicy prawns for dinner “Mediterranean style.” But not before I headed down to the pool, did some laps and took advantage of the bubbly “I could have fallen asleep in it” hot tub. See, I KNEW I just had to have the chocolate mousse for dessert later. The menu stated there would be THREE types of chocolate mousse on the same plate! The white chocolate kind was the best I’d ever had, well the only white chocolate mousse I’d ever had but holy smokes it was good… Later on when I was singing, a group of ladies ordered some and I saw it pass by me, and I drooled a little bit, forgetting my lyrics…it was that good. Its gigs like these that remind me of how great it can be, not that I mind the dives, but sometimes it’s fun to get treated like a star, I mean, my hotel room had TWO bedrooms TWO bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and the most beautiful balcony over-looking an astonishing view. Of course, on the way home, reality struck when we hit the Gotthard tunnel, or came CLOSE to it… it’s a seventeen kilometer tunnel under a mountain and it’s the only way out of the area, the area that EVERYONE travels to on the long weekend… We sat around for a couple of hours waiting to get through and as we were finally driving through it, I tried not to think about the ENTIRE mountain that was on top of me.

Lindsay GIGS & JUNOS in Newfoundland

Hey Folks, I have the GREAT pleasure to travel to St. John's, Newfoundland (my 2nd Canadian home) thanks to Porter Airlines for such a SWEET deal on my ticket!! I can't wait to get back to The Rock, and I have some pretty sweet gigs while I am there. On Tuesday the 13th of April I am playing at The Grapevine, Sunday the 18th I am a "seat filler" at The Junos and then head to play a gig down at The Rose & Thistle Pub, and then on the 21st I am playing at The Ship Pub as part of The Folk Club... It's going to be TRES exciting, and I look forward to sharing some stories as they happen... Hope if you are in St. John's during any of this time, you can make it out to a show!!!  Happy trails, travels and best of ALL, happy Spring! Lindsay xo

Lindsay News....

Hi Surfers. Oh, to dream about the Sea & Surfing. For now all I have is the web. And my guitar. Actually I am just putting some finishing touches on a new song that I will bring to my band at tonight's practice. Looking forward to that... I always get a new high from a new song. A natural high... not so easy to get nowadays, in this fast "I want more more more" crazy world. I'm staring at a ski hill right now, white strips of snow, tumbling down to the brown ground. Everything is brown, except for those glowing white strips of snow. I imagine they will be gone in the next day or two, and I can rid myself of cold wintery thoughts.  Bring on the Lake-jumping!! In the meantime, I have a few gigs coming up, from the West Coast of Canada right over to the East coast, and a few dates (still booking!!) in between. Life is an interesting set of happenings these days. I strayed from the Love affair with my guitar for a few weeks, and thank God she took me back. It's amazing, the beatings she takes. In any case, I am back in full force,  with a chunk of my heart ready for healing once more. Ah, to re-live unrequited Love. What a shame. Onwards & Upwards, I got my guitar on my back with a few tunes and I'll get over you!! (sound familiar??) So, this Saturday I will be singing in Napanee Ontario, home to superstar Avril... come to The Music Market for a glimpse into my ever-singing-soul. You may be in for a treat. or Two. The show starts around 8pm...soon, I will be back at The Black Sheep Inn, on May 7th, with a couple of FINE singer gals, Megan Hamilton from Toronto (her CD release) and Maggie Meyer from Newfoundland... it's a Thursday night, but don't worry, we won't keep you out too late on a school night. More gigs, heartbreak and songs to follow, I'm sure. Until then, Be well. Go outside, and just breath. xox

Lindsay Canadian

Canada is my home. What a lucky girl I am. While I Love traveling and culture, I must say that living in Canada feels right and safe and comfortable. Struggling through freezing steps is one of many parts to being Canadian, so is Hot Chocolate and Beaver Tails, skating down the Ottawa canal.  There is something touchable about living here, like you can talk to almost anyone, go almost anywhere, and you still feel like you belong. Of course there are exceptions to every rule and it's NOT all roses, but Canada has a certain familiarity and even though it's so incredibly huge in size, we have a shared quality of life here. We seem to speak the same language; beer, pizza, movies, music, campfires, wine, balaclavas, popcorn, pancakes, CBC, skis, candlelight, festivals and potluck dinners (something like that...) Realizing one's dream or purpose is attainable here, you can be a writer, lawyer, farmer, doctor, musician; it's all at your fingertips and surely someone knows someone who knows someone that can help you. That's why I Love Canada, because everyone is connected into this vortex of Canadian life, and most are willing to share their knowledge. I have come into contact with MANY Canadians while I tour and sing, and there always seems to be a "small-world" link connecting one dining room table conversation to another, one taste to another, one cousin to another, one neighbour to another one hand to another. After being away from home for the last two months, I just wanted to share some of my insights about this beautiful Country, tell you that I am always happy to return. If you are in the Ottawa area next weekend, tune into CKCU around 9:30am on Saturday morning, the 24th for some live songs by ME!! Also, I have a gig the SAME night, in Cantley Quebec at "La Grange de la Gatineau" where you can enjoy a Lovely meal inside a beautiful log home, as well as some musical sounds from me...I hope 2009 is shaping up nicely for those of you that actually read this blog... I know 'so far so good' for me... xox

Lovliness in Luzern

It seems as though life is getting away from me here in the world of  Swiss wonder. I apologize to those readers who might have missed hearing from me. I had a dream last night that I was back home in Canada, that I never had a chance to say good-bye to all the splendour here... it made me very sad to say the least, and that much more appreciative of my time here. I have been in the land of Chocolate & Cheese for a month and have one more month to go. Then it's back to my home & native, which I Love more than anything, just to be sure!! Being here gives one a much different perspective on life. For an example, most of the time, I can't understand a bloody thing anyone says. You know what? This greatly pleases me, I thought it would be bothersome, but I quite like not having to express my opinion and I am content in not overhearing banal conversations such as the weather or sore feet. Language in general is much simpler to use here. One uses only the absolute necessary words to get their point across and you really only make a point if it's important, interesting or profound. It's pretty neat, there isn't a lof of time or use for the insignificant. I have learned a LOT while here, peace and quiet has a whole new meaning for me. I have also been working new songs, I have three at this point and really look forward to the day when I get back into studio to record another album. When I return home, I will travel to Halifax for the first time. There is an excellent new music festival that I will be a part of called "In the Dead of Winter". My one true Love (besides Music) is the Ocean... Halifax is on the Ocean... I can't wait. In the meantime, I will do some more writing here, spend some time on the slopes, eat some Cheese Fondue, play some gigs ( I play here with an excellent Cajon/Kahon player, it's so great to have a percussionist by my side!! Thanks  Andy!!) I will spend Christmas with some great friends, make sure to get my fill of Chocolate too!! So I hope all of you out there have a wonderful Holiday... put your feet up and have an eggnog for me!!! I'll write soon, Love Lindsay xox

Tuesday Already...

Time flies. I dreamt it was Winter last night... I was so sad, I Love Fall so much, it would be a shame to miss it.  Being raised Canadian in the Middle/East Coast means living in a quarterly cycle. It's amazing how the weather affects it wearing shorts in March 'cuz you can smell the Summer coming or just getting that big ole' bag of scarves out for Fall. I can't imagine living somewhere hot all year round... I know, maybe when I'm grey, I might like one long heat wave, but for now I am can smell Autumn in the air and I like it. The last few days were spent driving, listening to tunes, singing, sleeping and enjoying HOT coffee in the mornings of course... I played songs for new people in new venues too. I Love spreading the Lindsay Vibe out there, it just makes me feel like I am doing what I need to be doing. I get so freaked out sometimes about not getting noticed or press or gigs or funding, and really, it's all about performing. It's like I get re-fueled by YOU, the people. So I would very heartily like to thank all of you out there who come to see my shows, or take home my Album. It means way more than any "no" or "sideways glance." I am in the middle of working on some new songs, I'd like to have a fresh set one day... I suppose all of we singers would like a brand spankin' new set of songs to sing... however, all in good time as "they" say. All these crazy things happen out on the road and I still can't find the words to write down. Too many unfinished songs I tell you!! In any case, I head out to St. John's Newfoundland once more before the end of  Summer to sing some again, I will be writing next time from the Rock. Enjoy, Live Well & Peace!!